Tax Collection
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Tax Collector
Gretchen Lawson is the Trappe Borough Tax Collector. The Tax Collector does not have an office at Borough Hall. However, the Tax Collector does have sitting hours at the Borough Hall from time to time.

You may contact the Tax Collector by the following means:
Telephone: 610.454.7731
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 26745, Collegeville, PA 19426
Email: trappetax@hotmail.com
Questions About Your Tax Bills?
If you have questions regarding your tax bills or tax payments please understand that the staff at Borough Hall does not have access to any tax information. You must contact Gretchen directly to get a tax duplicate, tax certification, tax receipts or to have any questions answered about tax payments. The Borough staff cannot accept tax payments.
Tax Certifications & Duplicate Bill Fee
Please note that tax certification and duplicate bill requests must be requested through the Tax Collector. Borough Hall staff does not have access to tax records.
The fee for up to a 4 year Tax Certification is $25.00. Tax certification includes County, Borough and School Real Estate. Please allow 5 business days for processing. Checks should be made payable to “Gretchen Lawson”. Requests should be emailed to trappetax@hotmail.com.
Fee for Furnishing Information: There shall be a fee of $5.00 per year for furnishing and providing, by mail or otherwise, information pertaining to real estate tax data, where no tax certification is requested, including, but not limited to, tax duplicates, for any single tax parcel within the Borough of Trappe.
Checks should be made payable to “Gretchen Lawson” and mailed to PO Box 26745, Collegeville PA 19426.
Real Estate Tax
As of January 1, 2013 Trappe Borough implemented a real estate tax of .47 mils. Portions of the total Real Estate Tax bill are delivered to Montgomery County and Perkiomen Valley School District, a portion does now remain with the Borough. The .47 mils Real Estate Tax that supports Trappe Borough is primarily used for road rehabilitation projects. An Emergency Services Tax (.50 mils) was established effective January 2021 to support Emergency Services within the Borough of Trappe.
Earned Income Tax
Trappe Borough has a 1.4% Earned Income Tax (EIT) which is levied on wages and salaries of individuals who live in Trappe Borough. Perkiomen Valley School District receives .9% of this tax and Trappe Borough receives .5%. The earned income tax is collected by Berkheimer Associates.
Local Services Tax
Trappe Borough levies an annual $52.00 Local Services Tax (LST) from employees working in the Borough. The Local Services Tax is collected by Berkheimer Associates.