Permit Applications & Forms
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Applications require original signatures and payment to be accepted for submission.
Building Permits
Most changes that a property owner might wish to make to a building or other structure will require a permit and inspections to ensure safe construction. Inspections are conducted pursuant to the PA Uniform Construction Code which was adopted by Borough Council in 2004 (ref. Borough Code §135 Article VI). See individual Building Permit Applications for details.
Please read the applications carefully. You must submit all required documents with your application and or it will be returned to you. Fees are required at the time of submission.
Questions regarding permits may be directed to: admin.assistant@trappeborough.com
Information Sheets
Solicitation Permits
Trappe Borough requires any person, entity or organization who wishes to engage in the selling, soliciting or peddling of goods, food, services and/or printed matter within the Borough of Trappe must first obtain a Solicitation Permit. An organization must apply for one permit for each individual soliciting in the Borough. Each individual must apply for a Solicitation Permit in person and provide a valid form of picture identification.
You are required to carry your Solicitation Permit at all times and exhibit it upon request to any peace officer or any person upon whom you make contact.
The hours of solicitation in Trappe Borough are between 10:30 a.m. and 8:00 pm.
Please complete the Solicitation Permit Application below in its entirety and submit it in person along with your fee to the Borough.
Zoning Permits
Zoning Permits are in place to “promote the health, safety, morals and the general welfare of the Borough in accordance with a comprehensive plan … and to encourage the most appropriate use of land throughout the Borough.” Please refer to Trappe Borough Code §340.80-82 for detailed Zoning Permit information. See individual Zoning Permit Applications for details.
Please read the application carefully. You must submit all required documents with your application or it will be returned to you.