Right to Know
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What is considered Public Information?
In accordance with the Pennsylvania Right-to-Know Law (Act 3 of 2008) all records maintained by Trappe Borough are public records, unless the records are (a) specifically exempted by Section 708 of Act 3, (b) exempted by another state or Federal law, and/or (c) exempted by a judicial decree or order.
How Do I Request Public Information?
To request a public record complete a Right to Know Request Form and submit this to the Borough’s Open Records Officer. Requests for information may likewise be directed to the Open Records Officer via e-mail, fax or telephone, or the request may be delivered to Borough Hall. But please note: while the Borough may fill anonymous or verbal requests for information, relief and remedies under the Act are available to only to persons submitting a written request for information.
Open Records Officer & Contact Information
Open Records Officer: Marcus V. Dolny, Manager
Telephone: 610-489-7181 Extension 2
Fax: 610-489-8827
Mailing Address: Borough Hall 525 West Main Street Trappe, PA 19426
Email: borough.manager@TrappeBorough.com
What Happens After I Submit A Request For Public Information?
All requests for information are filled in accordance with the Pennsylvania Right-to-Know Law (Act 3 of 2008). Most notably, a response to each request will be provided within five business days of the filing of the request. And if a request is denied by the Open Records Officer, a reason(s) for the denial will be provided, with information on how to appeal the decision of the Open Records Officer.
Service Fees
The Borough does not charge a fee to locate the public information (i.e., employee time), but the Borough does charge nominal duplication fees as approved by the Pennsylvania Office of Open Records. In addition, the Borough charges actual postage fees if the public information is mailed to the requestor.
Per the Act, the Borough reserves the right to require pre-payment of fees when fees are estimated to exceed $100.00. The Borough reserves the right to waive any fee.
How To Appeal a Decision of the Open Records Officer
An appeal of the decision of the Open Records Officer must be filed with the Pennsylvania Office of Open Records within fifteen (15) business days of the date of denial. All appeals may be forwarded to:
Appeals Officer, Montgomery County
Pennsylvania Office of Open Records
Commonwealth Keystone Building
400 North Street, Plaza Level
Harrisburg, PA 17120-0225
The Office of Open Records may be contacted by telephone at 717-346-9903, or by e-mail at OpenRecords@state.pa.us.