Meeting Schedules
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Meeting Schedules
Borough Council
Borough Council generally meets the 1st Tuesday of each month. The meetings begin at 7:00 pm and are held at the Borough Hall.
Planning Commission
The Trappe Borough Planning Commission meets at 7:00 p.m. on the third Tuesday of each month, as needed, except for May ( will be May 24 if needed). Meetings are held at the Borough Hall.
Zoning Hearing Board
The Zoning Hearing Board meets on an as needed basis. Meetings are held at Trappe Borough Hall, 525 West Main Street, Trappe, PA 19426.
Collegeville Trappe Municipal Authority/Collegeville Trappe Joint Public Works
UPDATED February 4, 2024: The regular monthly meeting of the Collegeville Trappe Municipal Authority will be held at 7:00 PM prevailing time and the regular monthly meeting of the Collegeville-Trappe Joint Public Works Department will be held at 7:30 PM prevailing time or immediately following the CTMA meeting on 1/23, 2/27, 3/26, 4/17, 5/28, 6/25, 7/23, 8/27, 9/24, 10/22, 11/20, 12/21. Meetings for 2024 will now be held at the Trappe Borough Hall located at 525 W. Main Street, Trappe.
Central Perkiomen Valley Regional Planning Commission consists of the Boroughs of Collegeville, Trappe & Schwenksville as well as the Townships of Perkiomen, Lower Frederick and Upper Frederick
Meets the third Monday at 7:00 p.m. at Perkiomen Township building, 1 Trappe Road, Collegeville