Save the Date for Trappe Community Day
Water Works Park W. First Avenue, Trappelocationnnn
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The Borough Council Meeting is scheduled for October 3rd at 7pm
The Borough Offices will be closed in observance of Columbus Day, October 9th. The Offices will reopen on the next business day at 8:30 am.
The Borough Offices will be closed in observance of Election Day, November 7th. The Offices will reopen on the next business day at 8:30 am.
The Borough Offices will be closed in observance of Veteran Day, November 10th. The Offices will reopen on the next business day at 8:30 am.
The Borough Council Meeting is scheduled for November 16th at 7 pm While we strive to keep the Borough Council Meetings on the first Tuesday of each month there are […]
Due to lack of items for discussion, the Planning Commission Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, November 21, 2023.
The Borough Offices will be closed in observance of Thanksgiving Day, November 23rd and the day after, Friday, November 24th. The Offices will reopen on the next business day at […]
The Borough Council Meeting is scheduled for December 5th at 7pm
At the Borough Council Meeting on Tuesday, December 5th Borough Council voted to amend the Christmas closure to be Monday, December 25th and Tuesday, December 26th. The office will re-open […]
The Borough Council Meeting End of Year Closeout to be held on December 28th at 7pm has been cancelled. While we strive to keep the Borough Council Meetings on the […]
The Borough Offices will be closed in observance of New Years Eve, December 29th. The Offices will reopen on the next business day at 8:30 am.